Websites and online stores need to follow certain rules which the card schemes require. Following the rules increases the security for the merchant and the cardholder. Below is a list of information required that must appear on merchants‘ websites: 



Information regarding the merchant: 
  • Merchant‘s name (name of the company/soletrader) 
  • SSN number and VAT (VSK) number if applicable 
  • Address 
  • Phone number and email address 


Products/goods and service:  
  • Price of products/goods and service 
  • Description of products and service 
  • Sales of creams/liquid intended for external use must include a description of the ingredients and quantity 


Terms & Conditions: 
  • Company‘s/merchant‘s name 
  • Governing law clause 
  • City/town must appear (Visa location rules) 
  • Policy regarding cancellation of service and goods return. Here you can find more information about disclosure requirements regarding cancellation of service and goods return
  •  Terms of delivery 
    - Delivery information/method of delivery 
    - Delivery time 
    - Shipping carrier 
    - Shipping cost 


Privacy policy (European region only): 
  • The merchant guarantees the buyer full confidentiality regarding all information provided in connection with the transaction. The following needs to appear in the Privacy policy: „All personal information will be strictly confidential and will not be given or sold to a third party“


Payment process: 
  • Terms and conditions and privacy policy checkbox must be present in the payment process or basket, where the buyer needs to check by themselves on the „I agree“ checkbox to confirm that he has read and confirmed the terms and conditions and privacy policy. Please note that it is forbidden to have a pre-checked box 
  • It is also forbidden to allow the buyers to complete the payment process without checking the box first 


Payment page: 
  • Card schemes‘ logo (Visa, Mastercard/Amex) which are included in the merchant‘s contract, need to be visible on the merctchant‘s payment page 
  • Transaction currency type  
  • Name of the merchant‘s point of sale / DBA  (Doing business as) 
  • Company‘s/merchant‘s address 
  • Phone number and email address 

    Here you can find a checklist for payment pages in icelandic.

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